
Size Up Your Dried Scallops: A Comprehensive Guide

Size Up Your Dried Scallops: A Comprehensive Guide

Dried scallops, also known as conpoy, are a popular ingredient in Chinese and other East Asian cuisines. They are made by sun-drying or dehydrating fresh scallops until they reach a...

Size Up Your Dried Scallops: A Comprehensive Guide

Dried scallops, also known as conpoy, are a popular ingredient in Chinese and other East Asian cuisines. They are made by sun-drying or dehydrating fresh scallops until they reach a...

Scaling the Scallops: How to Choose the Right Size for Your Dish

Scaling the Scallops: How to Choose the Right S...

Scallop sizes are generally classified based on the number of scallops per pound or per kilogram, similar to prawn sizing. This number is often referred to as the "count." The...

Scaling the Scallops: How to Choose the Right S...

Scallop sizes are generally classified based on the number of scallops per pound or per kilogram, similar to prawn sizing. This number is often referred to as the "count." The...

The Science Behind IQF and Semi-IQF Seafood Processing

The Science Behind IQF and Semi-IQF Seafood Pro...

IQF and Semi-IQF are terms used in the frozen seafood industry to describe different freezing methods. IQF stands for "Individually Quick Frozen," and Semi-IQF is short for "Semi Individually Quick...

The Science Behind IQF and Semi-IQF Seafood Pro...

IQF and Semi-IQF are terms used in the frozen seafood industry to describe different freezing methods. IQF stands for "Individually Quick Frozen," and Semi-IQF is short for "Semi Individually Quick...

Size Matters: A Comprehensive Guide to Prawn Sizes

Size Matters: A Comprehensive Guide to Prawn Sizes

Prawns come in a wide range of sizes, from tiny to colossal, depending on the species and their stage of growth. The size of a prawn can have an impact...

Size Matters: A Comprehensive Guide to Prawn Sizes

Prawns come in a wide range of sizes, from tiny to colossal, depending on the species and their stage of growth. The size of a prawn can have an impact...

uncooked hairy crab

我的大闸蟹不新鲜吗? 令人垂涎欲滴的黄金蟹黄呢?


我的大闸蟹不新鲜吗? 令人垂涎欲滴的黄金蟹黄呢?


hairy crab review

大闸蟹新加坡评论(2022 年)—— 5 种令人难以置信的辣酱作者:Brian Kennett...

https://islifearecipe.net/hairy-crab-singapore-review-2022/ Mamago 的新永远最好的朋友 - Brian Kennett 是一位土生土长的英国美食家,在新加坡生活了大约 15 年。不过,他不仅住在这里,而且还拥抱了这个国家和亚洲邻国,将其作为他吸收文化和食物的第二故乡。 他的家人是英国人、日本人和菲律宾人的混血儿,有 5 个孩子,真正过着亚洲人的生活,并在美丽的菲律宾薄荷岛拥有第二个家。在菲律宾更有趣! "Is Life a Recipe" 新加坡美食博客是他自己的食谱、旅行、家庭娱乐、餐厅和小贩评论的混合体。这是他游历柬埔寨、泰国、越南、菲律宾、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、香港、印度等地的东西方文化的折衷融合。 布赖恩还赢得了许多烹饪赞誉,我们认为这使这个新加坡美食博客与众不同,因为他一直在走路,而不仅仅是说说而已,或者让其他人为他们写作。他有一个名为 ChillaxBBQ 的 Chef Table BBQ 服务,为您的烧烤带来精致的美食,他赢得了 Jamie Oliver 烹饪比赛,自己出版了一本烹饪书为柬埔寨的慈善机构筹集资金,甚至接管了一家餐厅作为主厨一晚 Kilo - 在压力之下。布赖恩最近也成为了新加坡大厨的第一个“Angmo”,出现在第 3...

大闸蟹新加坡评论(2022 年)—— 5 种令人难以置信的辣酱作者:Brian Kennett...

https://islifearecipe.net/hairy-crab-singapore-review-2022/ Mamago 的新永远最好的朋友 - Brian Kennett 是一位土生土长的英国美食家,在新加坡生活了大约 15 年。不过,他不仅住在这里,而且还拥抱了这个国家和亚洲邻国,将其作为他吸收文化和食物的第二故乡。 他的家人是英国人、日本人和菲律宾人的混血儿,有 5 个孩子,真正过着亚洲人的生活,并在美丽的菲律宾薄荷岛拥有第二个家。在菲律宾更有趣! "Is Life a Recipe" 新加坡美食博客是他自己的食谱、旅行、家庭娱乐、餐厅和小贩评论的混合体。这是他游历柬埔寨、泰国、越南、菲律宾、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、香港、印度等地的东西方文化的折衷融合。 布赖恩还赢得了许多烹饪赞誉,我们认为这使这个新加坡美食博客与众不同,因为他一直在走路,而不仅仅是说说而已,或者让其他人为他们写作。他有一个名为 ChillaxBBQ 的 Chef Table BBQ 服务,为您的烧烤带来精致的美食,他赢得了 Jamie Oliver 烹饪比赛,自己出版了一本烹饪书为柬埔寨的慈善机构筹集资金,甚至接管了一家餐厅作为主厨一晚 Kilo - 在压力之下。布赖恩最近也成为了新加坡大厨的第一个“Angmo”,出现在第 3...